Cheat : Cheat mode: Press ~ to display the console prompt. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Code All weapons, unlimited ammo impulse 9 All weapons, full ammo, all keys impulse 11 Super shield impulse 255 Invincibility god Press [Space] to fly fly Toggle no clipping mode noclip Gain # shells give s Gain # health give h Gain # nails give n Gain # rockets give r Gain # cells give c Get weapon # give Commit suicide kill Monsters will not attack unless hit notarget Level select map em Sets difficulty level skill <0 - 3> Silver key impulse 13 Gold key impulse 14 Quadruple damage Impulse 255 Reduce gravity by x% sv_gravity Walkthrough : -E1M1: Slipgate Complex-
[1/6] Go down the first hall way, until you pass 2 floor lamps, and you're in a hall with 2 niches to each side. Jump into the right (as opposed to left) niche, and shoot the wall with the 2 red dots.
[2/6] Jump into the stream running underneath the first bridge. Swim until you reach a staircase. Climb it to find a +100 health box, and a door you can't open (you have to get it from the other side).
[3/6] Hit the switch that makes a bridge cover up a gap of toxic waste. In the middle of the bridge, on one of the walls, is a red switch. Shoot it (you'll know because the switch will "bleed"). Now turn to your left, and you'll see a gap in the wall with a double-barreled shotgun. Walk in, get the gun, and walk out.
[4/6] Just before you exit the hallway leading to the ramps with the 3 switches, on the right wall, is a different textured wall. Shoot it, go through, pick up the Quad Damage (or whatever it's called), and keep going through. Once you come out, follow the path back to the entrance to the secret you just went in.
[5/6] The next secret is a bit tricky. Near the 3rd switch (on the ramps leading down) is a floor lamp. You need to jump on the edge of the ramp, then jump onto the floor lamp, and from there, onto the box with the 3rd switch on it. And if you look at one of the walls, you'll see steps pointing out of it. You need to now jump onto those steps, follow them up, and you'll get a +100 health box.
[6/6] Jump into the water at the bottom of the ramps, and look around for a passageway leading off (it's under the hall you would have gone into, had you not jumped into the water). Follow it to the end, get the armor and health, and go through the teleporter.
-E1M2: The Castle of the Damned-
[1/3] Jump off the very first bridge (it's in the same room you start in), to the right. Go into the water, and shoot at the walls, one will open. Go down the hallway, up the ramp, and out of the water.
[2/3] Go through the hallway opposite (and diagonal) from the silver key Door. Then, push the brick on the wall opposite from the middle window (the wall has a torch on it). It will open a secret door in the wall right from the brick. There's a Quad Damage inside.
[3/3] Jump off the bridge leading to the silver key, and go out of the room you land in, and walk toward the wall. A door should open, and you can go in and through a teleporter.
-E1M3: The Necropolis-
[1/3] Go down the staircase across the room from the first gold dragon door. Follow the halls to a small bridge, walk off the bridge, and shoot the wall down below that has a nails box in front of it.
[2/3] In the big room with the gold key door, jump off the bridges and into the water, and walk around the walls of the room. There is a part where the water gets really deep. Go into that area, and walk under water until you hit another wall, then swim to the surface. You will have swam under the wall, and you'll pop up in a secret area.
[3/3] There's a hallway with 2 gold dragon doors, one leads to a room with a ramp going back to the sewers, and the other leads to an elevator taking you to the exit. In this hallway is also a yellow armor being blocked, and an ogre on the above platforms. Kill the ogre, and the barricades will open. Get the armor, and shoot the wall behind it. Then, go through the teleporter.
-E1M4: The Grisley Grotto-
[1/3] Shoot the 2 red switches at the very beginning of the level. A wooden platform with a yellow armor will fall.
[2/3] When you get the Silver Key, a niche will open on the right wall of the lake. It's near the other end of the room, you have to go into it, and swim up.
[3/3] Find the room with the 5 "q" switches. Hit them all, and 2 doors will open in the wall. Go in each door, drop down each hole, and hit each blue switch. Then, go back to where you got the silver key, turn left 90 degrees, and hop into the water. After you sink for a while, you should see an opening in the wall (if you don't, just search in that general under-water area). Swim into it, and then swim to the surface, and you'll pop up into a secret area. If you go through the teleporter, you'll be taken to the secret level, Ziggurat Vertigo.
-E1M5: Gloom Keep-
[1/5] At the very beginning, jump into the water, and head right. Along the wall a little to the right is a cave. Go in, and swim up, and you'll be in a secret area.
[2/5] To get to this one, go through the door to the right when you are outside (if you jump in the water, and go up the ramp, it is the door you come up by). Go through the hall until you find a room with an ogre standing on a platform. Kill the ogre, jump on the "railing" of the stairs, jump across to the piece of wall with the long part sticking out. Walk to the edge of the long part, back up a bit, and make a running jump to the platform where the ogre was.
[3/5] When you come to the fork (you can't really miss it), take the path to the right. Continue until you find a big room. In the room, turn right, and you'll see a column with a torch on it. Get under the torch, and jump up (as to hit it from below). Then, a panel will open in the wall behind the column. Go inside to get some yellow armor.
[4/5] From the big room you got by taking the right path at the fork, go through the doorway with the stairs. Continue until you find a teleporter (there should be shadows in the form of a "q" in front of it). Instead of entering the teleporter from the front, go behind it and enter it from the back. You'll find a Quad Damage.
[5/5] The wall opposite the exit has a diagonal lines; the others have straight lines. Shoot the diagonal line wall, and it'll open. Go in, get the armor, and go through the teleporter.
-------------------------- -E1M6: The Door to Chthon- -------------------------- [1/4] There's a hallway that you have to go through to finish the level. If you look down it, you see an obvious secret door (the texture has no lines on, it like it's surrounding walls), and a room to the right. Walk up to the secret door, turn left 90 degrees, and look up. You should see a red "q" symbol. Shoot it, and the secret door will open. Take the elevator up. When you reach the top, look down off the edge. To the left, you'll see a ledge you can jump on (this is actually the celing of the room that to the right of the secret door). Jump on it, get the Quad Damage, jump off.
[2/4] You know the hallway with the moving spike wall? You could you miss it? Well, when the wall is moving towards you, duck in the elevator shaft (but don't go up), and when it passes you, you'll see a teleporter behind it. Go through it.
[3/4] One you get the silver key, go back to the beginning, and the room that was so dark (it's under the ledge where you start from) will be lightened. Cross the pit, and enter the room to the left. If you look to the right you'll see a column and a room beyond that. Go into the room, and push the "q" symbol. Two things will happen, a bridge will rise leading you to another door, and a red symbol will appear on the column. Shoot the symbol, and look to your left. Stairs that had lead up to a door will have inverted themselves, leading downward. Go down the stairs and get the rockets. But wait...don't leave yet...(look to secret number 4)
[4/4] If you stay in that room under the stairs, the stairs will go back up, revealing a teleporter. Go through it, and you end up on a ledge. If you jump across to the other ledge, you can pick up a +100 health box.
--------------------------- -E1M7: The House of Chthon- --------------------------- [0/0] There are no secrets in this one. But, to kill Chthon, you need to hit the 2 "q" switches on the ends, so that the columns lower, and step on the middle one. This will fry Chthon. may take you 3 or 4 tries. It doesn't kill him in one hit.
------------------------ -E1M8: Ziggurat Vertigo- ------------------------ [1/2] Jump into the lava surrounding the pyramid, and swim under the bridge leading into the pyramid. Look at the back wall, and you'll see a passageway. Swim down the passage, and swim up, and you'll pop up in an area with a Quad Damage and some health.
[2/2] This one's just a room beyond the exit. Instead of turning right and into the exit, do through the doorway straight ahead (and a little to the left) of you. It's the room with the nails boxes and a wall made of steel poles.
------------- -Cheat Codes- ------------- To use these codes, press the "~" or "`" key during gameplay, type the code in, and hit enter.
GOD: God Mode (Invincible) IMPULSE 9: All weapons, ammo, keys GIVE #: Gives you a certain weapon (#=number of weapon) MAP EyMx: Warp to Episode y, Level x; i.e. "MAP E1M5" NOCLIP: No Clipping Mode (Walk Through Walls); press "D" to float up, "C" to go down. FLY: Flying Mode (press D to go up, C to go down) KILL: Commit Suicide GIVE HEALTH ###: Gives you ### health (replace ### with a number) NOTARGET: Enemies don't see you until you shoot at them IMPULSE 255: Automatic Quad Damage IMPULSE -1: Automatic Quad Damage REGISTERED 1: The game thinks it's registered. It'll freeze if you go to Episode 2, 3, or 4.
------------------------ -Other Console Commands- ------------------------ These aren't exactly cheat codes...but a few of them do help. They're more like debugging codes. There are a lot of them, but I only included the ones that you'd use to make the game cooler or easier. Just type these in with the proper variable like you do the cheat codes. If you like them, I encourage you to go to ( for more of these. They provided me with them.
*SCREENSHOT Syntax: screenshot
The SCREENSHOT command will save the current screen as a picture to the disk. The picture will be in PCX format, with the name quakeXX.pcx, where XX is the lowest available decimal number.
*R_WAVE Syntax: r_wave <0|1> Default: 0
The R_WAVE flag sets whether to show the world as if the player was underwater, i.e. with the cool wavy effect.
Going underwater doesn't change this flag, though, and setting this to 0 underwater doesn't remove the waves.
*SV_ACCELERATE Syntax: sv_accelerate Default: 10
The SV_ACCELERATE variable sets the acceleration rate for players.
*SV_AIM Syntax: sv_aim Default: 0.93
The SV_AIM variable controls the threshold for autotargeting, i.e. how far from an enemy must you be pointing for the weapon to automatically target it. With a value of 0 you can't miss, with a value of 1 you _almost_ always fire exactly where you point at.
*SV_FRICTION Syntax: sv_friction Default: 4
The SV_FRICTION variable controls the ground friction. Set this very low to get ice. Don't confuse this with SV_STOPSPEED. SV_FRICTION is about inertia. SV_STOPSPEED is about braking.
*SV_STOPSPEED Syntax: sv_stopspeed Default: 100
The SV_STOPSPEED variable controls the rate of deceleration of players. Do not confuse this with SV_FRICTION.
*SV_GRAVITY Syntax: sv_gravity Default: 800
The SV_GRAVITY variable sets the global gravity force. Set this low to get _high_ jumps. Also try the grenade launcher with low gravity in an open space. Grenades bounce off the sky! You can also set this to negative.
*SV_IDEALPITCHSCALE Syntax: sv_idealpitchscale Default: 0.8
The SV_IDEALPITCHSCALE variable controls how greatly the player's vertical pitch changes when looking at a place above or below her. Set this to 0 if you are bothered by the automatic reaiming in stairs. See also CL_PITCHDRIFTSPEED.
---------------- -Nightmare Mode- ---------------- To reach nightmare mode:
1. Start a new game 2. Walk into any difficulty level 3. Walk to the entrance to Episode 4, and jump in the water 4. Immediately hold the down arrow, so you're backing up into the wall. 5. You'll land on a wooden beam...walk on this beam to reach a dark hallway. 6. Go through the dark hallway, through the "Nightmare" gate, and you'll get to pick your mission again. Pick which ever one you want, and you'll be in Nightmare mode!
------------------- -Secret Episode???- ------------------- I don't know for sure if it's secret or not, it may just be the last episode, and they don't tell you about it (I wouldn't know, I don't have the registered version). Anyway, I looked for it when I heard a guy named Maxima295 ( had found it's entrance. Here's how to get a look yourself:
1. Start a new game, pick any difficulty. 2. When you teleport to the episode selection room, you'll notice a dark shadow on the floor in front of you. 3. Stand of the shadow, and put no clipping mode on. 4. Use the "c" key to float down below the floor, and you should see a staircase. 5. Go down the stair case, and you'll see a pit. If you jump in it, you go to the secret episode, "Shub-Niggurath."
Here's a tip. Don't jump down the hole if you're using shareware. It's not there in shareware, and it'll freeze your computer. Also, if you stand looking at the bottom of the staircase, you'll notice 3 zombies hanging on the wall (one to your left, one in the middle, and on to the right). Use the no clipping mode to go throught the zombie to the right. You'll see a teleporter. I don't know what this one does. It doesn't teleport you anywhere, it doesn't give you a "please register" message, even with the REGISTERED 1 cheat code. One idea I had is this switch by the Nightmare difficulty entrance. It looks like a torch behind a few skulls. Hit it, and it says "The Well of Wishes awaits in the Crypt of Decay." I thought it opened the way to the secret episode, but it did nothing I could see. Anyone know any more about the secret episode or that switch?